Emergency Calls

Police: 110 | Poisoning, call: +49 (0) 89 19240 | Fire brigade and emergency doctors: 112 | Prien Hospital: +49 (0) 8051 6000 | Medical services: 116117 | In Bavaria, the treatment in the medical call services usually takes place at the practice of the doctor in...


Seestraße 120 83209 Prien Phone: +49 (0) 8051 609570 info@prienavera.de http://www.prienavera.de

BernaMare in Bernau

Erlenstraße 14 83233 Bernau Tel. +49 (0) 8051 7230 info@bernamare.de http://www.bernamare.de

Badria in Wasserburg

Alkorstraße 15 83512 Wasserburg am Inn Phone: +49 (0) 8071/8133 info@badria.de http://www.badria.de
Tel: +49 (0) 8054 442· E-Mail: info@gstadt.de
Contact: +49 (0) 8054 442   ·   Email: info@gstadt.de       

Quick Info